Articles | Volume 13
03 Nov 2015
 | 03 Nov 2015

Reflexionseigenschaften von Windenergieanlagen im Funkfeld von Funknavigations- und Radarsystemen

S. Sandmann, S. Divanbeigi, and H. Garbe

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Disturbing impact of multiple wind turbines on the indicated DVOR bearing
Sergei Sandmann and Heyno Garbe
Adv. Radio Sci., 17, 11–17,,, 2019
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High-resolution signal-in-space measurements of VHF omnidirectional ranges using UAS
Thorsten Schrader, Jochen Bredemeyer, Marius Mihalachi, David Ulm, Thomas Kleine-Ostmann, Christoph Stupperich, Sergei Sandmann, and Heyno Garbe
Adv. Radio Sci., 17, 1–10,,, 2019
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Uncertainty contribution of a wind turbine to the electric field of a DVOR antenna as a function of wind direction and rotor position
Sergei Sandmann and Heyno Garbe
Adv. Radio Sci., 14, 17–24,,, 2016
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Cited articles

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