Articles | Volume 13
03 Nov 2015
 | 03 Nov 2015

A novel ZePoC encoder for sinusoidal signals with a predictable accuracy for an AC power standard

T. Vennemann, T. Frye, Z. Liu, M. Kahmann, and W. Mathis

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Systematic design of output filters for audio class-D amplifiers via Simplified Real Frequency Technique
E. Hintzen, T. Vennemann, and W. Mathis
Adv. Radio Sci., 12, 49–52,,, 2014
Increasing the time resolution of a pulse width modulator in a class D power amplifier by using delay lines
M. Weber, T. Vennemann, and W. Mathis
Adv. Radio Sci., 12, 91–94,,, 2014

Cited articles

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Streitenberger, M.: Zur Theorie digitaler Klasse-D Audioleistungsverstärker und deren Implementierung, VDE-Verlag, Berlin, Germany, 228 pp., 2005.