Articles | Volume 5
12 Jun 2007
12 Jun 2007

A simple evaluation procedure of the TAN calibration and the influence of non-ideal calibration elements on VNA S-parameter measurements

U. Stumper

Abstract. For the 7-term general TAN (Through-Attenuator-Network) self-calibration method of a four-sampler vector network analyser (VNA), and for all derived calibration methods like TLN, TRL, TRM, TAR, or TMN, it is shown that a very simple evaluation procedure of the seven error terms is possible, even if the Through connection is replaced by a reflectionless network with known transmission. Expressions for the deviations of the measured S-parameters of two-port test objects (d.u.t.s) from the true values, which are caused by deviations of the modeled S-parameters of non-ideal calibration elements ("standards") from their true values, are also presented. Additionally, it is shown that a TAN calibration is also possible in case of unequal reflections of the Network.