Articles | Volume 4
04 Sep 2006
04 Sep 2006

Numerical quadrature for the approximation of singular oscillating integrals appearing in boundary integral equations

L. O. Fichte, S. Lange, and M. Clemens

Abstract. Boundary Integral Equation formulations can be used to describe electromagnetic shielding problems. Yet, this approach frequently leads to integrals which contain a singularity and an oscillating part. Those integrals are difficult to handle when integrated naivly using standard integration techniques, and in some cases even a very high number of integration nodes will not lead to precise results. We present a method for the numerical quadrature of an integral with a logarithmic singularity and a cosine oscillator: a modified Filon-Lobatto quadrature for the oscillating parts and an integral transformation based on the error function for the singularity. Since this integral can be solved analytically, we are in a position to verify the results of our investigations, with a focus on precision and computation time.