Articles | Volume 11
04 Jul 2013
 | 04 Jul 2013

A first approach to the distortion analysis of nonlinear analog circuits utilizing X-parameters

H. Weber, C. Widemann, and W. Mathis

Abstract. In this contribution a first approach to the distortion analysis of nonlinear 2-port-networks with X-parameters1 is presented. The X-parameters introduced by Verspecht and Root (2006) offer the possibility to describe nonlinear microwave 2-port-networks under large signal conditions. On the basis of X-parameter measurements with a nonlinear network analyzer (NVNA) behavioral models can be extracted for the networks. These models can be used to consider the nonlinear behavior during the design process of microwave circuits. The idea of the present work is to extract the behavioral models in order to describe the influence of interfering signals on the output behavior of the nonlinear circuits. Hereby, a simulator is used instead of a NVNA to extract the X-parameters. Assuming that the interfering signals are relatively small compared to the nominal input signal, the output signal can be described as a superposition of the effects of each input signal. In order to determine the functional correlation between the scattering variables, a polynomial dependency is assumed. The required datasets for the approximation of the describing functions are simulated by a directional coupler model in Cadence Design Framework. The polynomial coefficients are obtained by a least-square method. The resulting describing functions can be used to predict the system's behavior under certain conditions as well as the effects of the interfering signal on the output signal.

1 X-parameter is a registered trademark of Agilent Technologies, Inc.